September 8, 2019
The following information is to bring to your attention the Atlantic Fisheries Fund (AFF).
The AFF is a significant investment in one of our most important economic sectors – the seafood sector. The combined Provincial and Federal commitment for Nova Scotia’s seafood sector totals more than $125 Million. The fund was announced in 2017 and will operate until March 2024.
The AFF focuses on the areas of:
Innovation (encourages the development of new products and technologies in the harvesting, aquaculture and processing sectors).
Infrastructure (encouraging the use of new technologies or processes to improve sustainability).
Science Partnerships (industry-based collaborations with academia and other research institutions to improve knowledge and understanding).
Eligible applications to the Atlantic Fisheries Fund include Commercial Enterprises, such as Fish Harvesters and Non-Commercial Organizations, like the Brazil Rock 33/34 Lobster Association. As an industry association, the Atlantic Fisheries Fund presents an exciting opportunity for you to engage in projects of importance to your members.
Industry associations can be key partners in collaborating on the promotion of the Atlantic Fisheries Fund, leading and undertaking project delivery, and supporting members in accessing the program.
If you would like more information on opportunities under the program, either as an individual, or regarding opportunities through your association, please contact the following association executive members – Kevin Ross, Shawn Muise or Cheyne Ross. Alternatively, you can contact the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture directly via email at
August 10, 2019
Attached are some posters with upcoming lobster handling courses if any members would like to attend. The class is FREE with the seasonal worker program funding if they are currently or have worked in the fishing industry within the last 3 years. This funding is only available until March 31, 2020. There is also an attached application form that needs to be filled out and returned to Sandra Doucet (see application form for details).
If you have not taken the lobster handling course before you would need to take version 1.0 with the option of taking version 2.0 as well. People that have already taken version 1.0 only need to renew with version 2.0. If you took the class in 2017 you can take advantage of the funding while it’s available as your certificate expires in 2020 and this would renew it until 2022.
This funding also covers ROC-MC, MED-DVS, MED-SDV-BS, SVOP, SEN-L, Fishing Masters IV, & Mental Health First Aid if these are of interest as well. When you register for a class at NSCC the funding is applied at time of registration. You would also need to contact Sandra Doucet if you are interested in the Mental Health First Aid.
Training_funding_form_NSFSC Fillable
Lobster Handlig Poster – Aug & Sept
Lobster Handlig Poster – Oct, Nov, & Dec
Lobster Handlig Poster – Sept & Oct
August 9, 2019
To Brazil Rock members:
There are 40 members who have paid their $499 to S.W.L.S.S. but haven’t paid their $200 membership to Brazil Rock. You have to be a paid up member before getting your S.W.L.S.S. card.
Also, there is no time limit on joining S.W.L.S.S. but doing it early would be best so they know what to plan for. I think joining S.W.L.S.S. is the way to go. That data belongs to us – the lobster fishermen. D.F.O.’s we don’t get to see. Let’s support our own society instead of D.F.O.’s.
August 4, 2019
Brazil Rock 33/34 Lobster Association members who want to join the Southwest Lobster Science Society (SWLSS) for the upcoming 2019-2020 lobster season have to be current members. Membership fees are $200 for Licence A and $100 for Licence B.
According to DFO, every licence holder LFA’s 33, 34 and 35 have to join either the SWLSS (fees are $499 for Licence A and $140 for Licence B) or register with an observer company before the fall season opening.
There will be no hail out next season (2019-2020).
July 30, 2019
As the Amendments to the Fisheries Act are currently in Gazette, the NS Dept. of Fisheries & Aquaculture would like to hear industry feedback on what the inshore harvest sector thinks of the amendments.
From :
“Executive summary:
Concerns have been expressed by fishing sector stakeholders that the independence of fishing licence holders is being compromised through agreements and arrangements between licence holders and third parties that move the rights and privileges conferred under the licence away from the licence holder and undermine ministerial licensing decisions. Enforcement tools are required to address this issue.
The proposed amendments to the Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985 and the Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations would include certain elements of existing departmental policies and introduce new licensing eligibility criteria and prohibitions respecting the use and control of the rights and privileges conferred under a licence to fish.
The proposed amendments would maintain the current scope of application of the policies with respect to licences in the inshore and coastal sectors to
restrict the issuance of licences to eligible individuals, their estate or their wholly owned companies; and
require that licence holders or operators named in the licence personally fish the licence;
and, with respect to licences in the inshore sector, to
prohibit licence holders from transferring the rights and privileges conferred under the licence to fish processors and buyers;
restrict the issuance of inshore licences to licence holders who have not transferred the rights and privileges conferred under the licence to a fish processor or buyer; and
prohibit fish processors and buyers from using and controlling the rights and privileges associated with a licence.
The proposed amendments would help the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans achieve social, economic and cultural objectives pertaining to the inshore and coastal fishing sector in Atlantic Canada and Quebec, where these regulations apply.
The intent is to protect the independence of inshore and coastal licence holders by ensuring that ministerial licensing decisions are not undermined. The enforcement tools available under the Fisheries Act will be used to enforce the rules.
By maintaining both the existing scope of application and the current exceptions and exemptions provided under the policy regime, the proposed regulatory regime should have no to minimal effect on the licence holders who are already abiding by the inshore fisheries policy rules. There is no expected increase in costs associated with the proposed amendments to either the regulated parties or the Government of Canada.”
July 17, 2019
To Any LFA 33/34/35 License Holders:
On August 7, 2019 at 10:00 AM there will be a Brazil Rock Members meeting at the Shelburne Fire Hall. This is open to members and anyone interested in joining. A presentation will be given by the Project Manager from the Science Society outlining the up-to-date data collected. This will include charts, graphs and detailed explanations from the 2018/2019 season that was collected by the participants that joined the association by-catch program. DFO data is non accessible and most was collected in the last 30 days of the 2019 spring. There are some license holders that have submitted their by-catch data payment to the Science Society for this coming season 2019/2020 that have not enrolled with one of the associations. I believe you were sent a notification by mail and if you’re not sure of your status you should check in order to qualify.
October 17, 2018
Today there was a director meeting. Various items were discussed.
First was communication between directors and members. We are trying to create a system to deliver information more effectively to directors and members.
ByCatch was next on the list. The SWLSS has started to deploy techs aboard vessels in LFA 35. This is a small district and a good test before the opening of LFA’s 33 and 34. The society will be meeting in November to discuss the progress made in LFA35.
Ropeless gear was brought up and there are tests going on as we speak. It is strictly in the developing stages. We are keeping an eye on this and will stay informed with future developments.
Kevin has been lobbying the federal government to increase funds for the coast guard for our area. We will keep you informed on this issue.
In the next while we would like to hire a professional representative for Brazil Rock. We hope to have them help with attending all the meetings and represent us in Ottawa. This will be discussed more at the next meeting.
The renewal for membership with Brazil Rock has been sent out this fall. Anyone that has not received any form and wish to be a member please contact the Office at 902 635 3334.
Another directors meeting has been tentatively set for the end of January.
October 12, 2018
There is a new safety briefing issued by SAR and coast guard is can be found in Transport Canada tab
August 22, 2018
To the eligible license holders that paid the $499 for the by-catch pilot program: the project coordinators have been calling members to verify the submitted information that was given. To date there are still a lot of license holders that have not been reached. If you are seeing this message and are a paid member($499) that has not been contacted you can reach out to the coordinators at 902-881-2683 or 902-881-2684.
Brazil Rock membership renewals are at the years end this month ( August ). Due to mail outs being processed to be sent out for the by-catch program the renewal forms will be sent out at the same time, sometime over the next few weeks. Payments for renewing will be from the time of receiving the form up until the last day of December 2018.
Notices will be sent out to all Brazil Rock members regardless if your signed into the by-catch program or not.
August 13, 2018
Currently we are contacting all by-catch participants to confirm and get additional info about you or your vessel.
Also we are pleased to hear that the entangled right whale in the Bay of Fundy has been disentangled.
July 5, 2018
A new Website to check out that may benefit you as a harvester is Fish Harvesters Registration and Certification Board of Nova Scotia.
June 25, 2018
The deadline to join Brazil Rock that was set by DFO, to participate in the By-Catch pilot was March 1,2018. Even though the cheques were not deposited, the members list was delivered to DFO and cannot be changed. The pilot is well underway for the opening of LFA 35 in October. The numbers are firm and cannot be changed with the exception of new entrants into the fishery. This is only firm for the 2018-19 season.
June 18, 2018
There has been a members meeting scheduled for July 11, 2018 – at Shelburne arena – at 2pm
June 2, 2018
Hi, Kevin Ross here, President of Brazil Rock 33/34 Lobster Association. I would like to say that we are working hard for our members. I want to speak about B class licenses. I have met, made numerous phone calls and emails to DFO officials about this. I have told them these licenses should be exempt from the by-catch program. They have agreed but would not put it in writing. I, and most fishermen agree someone with only 75 traps should not be involved in this program. I have and will continue to make many calls to resolve this. Some of the regional management has there own agenda and it does not include helping us.
May 26, 2018
A reminder to make sure to submit all logs to prevent any delay of conditions in the fall. Logs need to be submitted 14 days after the end of each month.
We have been trying hard to get an answer on the By-catch issue. Recently we have gone directly to the minister, but are still waiting for clarification on the by-catch policy to be implemented this fall. We have not deposited any cheques and will not until we get this straight with DFO.
We have been to several meetings over the winter on whale interactions and MPA’s. We have been aligned with other associations with these matters.
Kevin ( our president ) has deployed a Hydrophone to listen for whales to prove that their interaction is minimal during our season.
There has also been meetings with the Provincial Minister of Fisheries.
Also we have met with DFO about the FSC fishery. There has been some brainstorming on how to rectify the black market that’s being masked by the FSC fishery. We have been asked to maintain a cool head and try to leave the enforcement to C&P officers and not create any tension between different communities. Stay tuned there will be news interviews coming up soon with Brazil Rock and other associations on this issue.
Coming up in June there are meetings to discus the FSC fishery.
May 17, 2018
A couple of Right whales have been seen in the gulf. This does not directly affect D33 or D34 but issued to all fish harvesters.
To read more
May 10, 2018
We are currently working collaboratively with other associations through the Southwest Lobster Science Society to tackle ByCatch issues and working towards better solutions in the controversial FSC fishery. Stay tuned for more info in the next few weeks.
May 7, 2018
There are some Marine First Aid courses scheduled starting in June. Please contact NS Fisheries Safety Association for more info in your area. @ 902-233-5887
May 1, 2018
There will be an LFA 34 advisory meeting on June 13. If you have any questions or concerns please contact your port rep or call the Brazil Rock office.
April 19, 2018
Nova Scotia Lobster Fishermen Fed Up with Mis-Communication By DFO
Read the rest of article here.
January 31, 2018
A copy of The By-Catch invoice and Questionnaire can be found at you can print them off or just send in info written down on separate piece of paper please send your payment along with Info.
January 29, 2018
There has been a phone set up to contact the association the number is 902 635 3334. There will be an office opening soon please check back to see when and where.
January 29, 2018
There has been a phone set up to contact the association the number is 902 635 3334. There will be an office opening soon please check back to see when and where.
January 19, 2018
By now all the members should have received and invoice and questionnaire for next seasons By-Catch Data project. This can be returned to Brazil Rock along with your payment to ensure you are part of this project. The cut off date is February 15, 2018. If you chose not participate in this project you will need to follow DFO’s plan. The logistics are still being ironed out but should be more clearer once we have obtained all the participation numbers. To find out more about the project click HERE.
Another project on the horizon is an Environmental Response Plan. There will some focus groups put together in both district 33 & 34. For more info on who to contact to be part of these focus groups click
January 1, 2018
Happy New Year Everyone,
There have been a couple letters Released from DFO about the upcoming By-Catch Data Program slated for this fall season. To read more click HERE
The deadline to join our association to get involved with an industry led By-Catch Data Acquisition Program for the 2018-2019 season is February 15, 2018. You will receive a letter in the mail shortly explaining the process. Please don’t wait too long as the deadline is February 15.
November 24, 2017
There is a letter from DFO on whale interaction that affects us click here to read more.
November 15, 2017
Membership has reached 460 and growing daily. Thank you and please keep spreading the word.
We will be attending a ByCatch society meeting next week. There will be instructions from DFO in mid-December on the structure of the society and how everyone will be affected
November 10, 2017
The NOLS issue has been fixed. Fishers can now go on NOLS to get their authorization letters to store traps on their vessel 2 weeks prior to the opening of the season.
A tentative Briefing Note from Search and Rescue Has been issued and can be Found below:
Briefing Note
Lobster Fishing Areas (LFA) 33 and 34 Opening, 2017
The Lobster Fishery on the southwest coast of Nova Scotia opens the last Monday in November.
There are two areas opening at that time. LFA 33, which extends from Cole Harbour to Goose Point, Barrington Bay and LFA 34 which extends from Barrington Bay to Burns Point, Digby County.
LFA 33 has over 700 license holders, the trap limit per license is 250, and the fishing was done mainly within 15-25 NM off shore, however in the last few years the fishing activity has extended to 50 NM from shore.
LFA 34 has approximately 1000 license holders, the trap limit per license is 375, and the fishing is done further off shore than in LFA 33, up to 50 NM in some cases.
This particular fishery was identified as “high risk” in a 1987 Canadian Coast Guard study into fishing vessel safety.
The opening of the Lobster Fishery in Southwest Nova Scotia presents a high potential for SAR incidents. In the past this fishery has resulted in loss of life.
Risk Factors
The state of the tide at season opening time.
Sea Temperature.
The urgency to set traps in specific areas.
The high concentration of fishing activity in the relatively small area bounded by Yarmouth, Seal Island and Cape Sable Island make this the area of highest risk.
In LFA 34, the increased distance from shore of fishing grounds and the increase in trap limit results in boats making fewer trips with more traps on board.
The increase in risk to vessels engaged in setting lobster gear during hours of darkness.
The reduction of search and rescue capability during the hours of darkness.
Some setting of traps for LFA 34 will occur during hours of darkness.
Severe weather can quickly increase the risk of this fishery.
Opening Times
LFA 34 to open at 0600 AST on Monday, November 27th, 2017 and LFA 33 to open at 0700 AST on Monday, November 27th, 2017.
The tide will be ebbing with low water in Liverpool at 0920 AST. Sunrise will be at 0729 AST. The tide will be ebbing in Meteghan with low water at 1107 AST. Sunrise will be at 0736 AST.
SAR Asset Allocation
The SAR West vessel, will be stationed in vicinity of Seal Island at 0400 AST. It will remain on scene until the majority of the initial fishing activity has subsided and it has been stood down by JRCC Halifax.
The SAR East vessel, will be stationed off of Port Mouton at 0500 AST. It will remain on scene until the majority of the initial fishing activity has subsided and it has been stood down by JRCC Halifax.
CCGC Westport will depart Westport to arrive off Cape St. Mary’s at 0600 AST. They will remain on scene until the initial fishing activity has subsided and it has been stood down by JRCC Halifax. The second crew will hold standby with the FRC at the station in Westport while CCGC Westport is deployed.
CCGC Clarks Harbour will depart West Head to arrive off Pubnico (Johns Island) at 0600 AST. They will remain on scene until the initial fishing activity has subsided and it has been stood down by JRCC Halifax. The second crew will hold standby with the FRC at the station at West Head while CCGC Spray is deployed.
A C&P vessel will be assigned to primary SAR and will be stationed 7 NM SE of McNutts Is at 0600 AST. They will remain on scene until the initial fishing activity has subsided and it has been stood down by JRCC Halifax.
CCGC Sambro will depart Sambro Harbour to stand off Pearl Island at 0700 AST. They will remain on scene until the initial fishing activity has subsided and it has been stood down by JRCC Halifax. The second crew will hold standby with the FRC at the station in Sambro while CCGC Sambro is deployed.
CGA may tentatively provide 2 vessels this year which WILL NOT be participating in the fishery which will also standby as SAR assets. Ideally, these will hold standby on the waters off of Lockeport and Yarmouth
Cormorant Forward deployed to be standing by in Yarmouth by 0600 AST
Hercules On patrol in LFA 33,34 (Halifax Harbour to Digby NS) To be airborn at Greenwood at 0600, start patrol at Digby)
There will be multiple Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) vessels and patrol aircraft in the area prior to the opening. Their locations will be kept confidential for Conservation and Protection (C&P) reasons but they will be able to assist SAR whenever required. JRCC Halifax will be notified prior to opening of the intended operational areas of these resources and will initially task them through OCC Truro and convert to regular communications means after the initial tasking.
There are fifty Coast Guard Auxiliary members in areas 33 & 34. Unfortunately the majority of these vessels participate in the Lobster Fishery and have a limited response capability due to loaded lobster traps on their own vessels.
Vessels of Opportunity may be available to assist. Unfortunately it is likely that the majority of these vessels will be participating in the Lobster Fishery and may have a limited response capability as their vessels are loaded with lobster traps.
All SAR assets should abide as closely as possible to the SAR briefing note and their tasking however the Commanding Officer has overriding authority to take any action they deem necessary that may be in the best interest of the ship, its crew or the vessels or persons to which it is providing assistance. It is understood that dynamic factors such as weather may create a necessity to adapt and deviate in some manner from the original SAR Plan and SAR assets should modify their position or intentions based on location of the majority of the fishing fleet. Should this be the case, please advise JRCC Halifax and ROC Atlantic.
To be Determined in pre-season weather call.
November 8, 2017
The permit that is issued by DFO to allow traps to be put on the vessel or wharf 2 weeks prior to opening day has not been added to your NOLS account yet. However, if the permit is not available by November 13, you are able to go to your local C&P and get authorization to do so.
October 24, 2017
A members meeting was held at the Shelburne Firehall at 1 pm to update and discuss current and future issues
A weather conference call is scheduled for November 24, at 11 am. This is to prepare to make the decision of delay of the season due to weather. If it’s forecasting more than 25 kts it’s automatically delayed. If it’s less than 25 it voted upon by the port rep. This includes gust winds. The opening of the season coast guard will have vessels and helicopters in place and on standby.
There will be no changes to the 2017-2018 conditions. A reminder for everyone to have the proper paperwork in place to store traps on your vessel prior to the opening of the season. It is separate from your conditions. Logbooks and ByCatch reporting for this year remains the same.
There has been an industry-led approach to deal with our current ByCatch challenges. Click on the By-Catch link for more info.
Some of the directors have been busy assembling Safety Procedures Binders. Click on the safety link for more info on how to get yours for free.
There have been some discussions on whales and dangers of entanglement. We will be monitoring this closely with DFO and will update as needed.
Some meetings on MPA’s are coming up next month. Check out the link and the calendar for updates.
September 19, 2017
Matthew Theriault and Kevin Ross had requested a meeting with the Minister of Fisheries in Ottawa and were approved for a 9:30 am meeting Tuesday. It was a very productive meeting discussing our association, its values and beliefs, and what we stand for in our guiding principles.
We had an opportunity to discuss various current concerns that are happening in our industry; we felt as though our concerns were being addressed and he was impressed that our association represented such a large area.
He expressed his respect and admiration for uniting together to have a voice of our futures.
November 7, 2014
For those who still need Safety binders contact you port rep or a Brazil Rock Director to get yours free.
There was an MPA meeting November 7 at the Shelburne firehall. DFO presented on what exactly is an MPA is and the different kinds.
It was in the mid 90’s when Canada committed to protecting a percentage of its oceans along with numerous other countries. But it wasn’t until 2015 When the current government said they would aggressively get to 5% by 2017 and 10% in 2020. Currently, we’re at 5.6% in our province and the national average is at 5.2%. So there are some areas being looked at to achieve the remaining 4.4% by 2020. However, it doesn’t seem to stop there. It seems that a number of 20% to 30% is being looked at protecting in the future.
Some MPAs can have fishing activity depending on what they’re protecting. Ex.. if they’re protecting bird then there would be some fishing allowed. If it coral then there wouldn’t be any fishing allowed.
We have asked to be involved in every step of determining where MPA’s would be to benefit all of us in the future.
On Nov 22 in Dartmouth, a map with the future proposed MPA sites will be announced. Reps from Brazil Rock will be there.
Below is a map of the current MPA’s in place.